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Frugality and Pregnancy

January 9, 2014

7 and a half months down……2 and a half to go!  So crazy!


*Wearing my maternity sweater: the only one that still zips!!

I am so grateful that so far, everything has been great.  I was only sick a hand full of days at the beginning.  I’m still able to jog, even if it is a 12-13 minute mile. I don’t even have any weird cravings, just my usual affinity for chocolate and In’N’Out.  Nothing out of the ordinary.

Frugality and pregnancy don’t seem to fit in the same sentence.  The first thing you start to hear when you tell people that you are pregnant is all the stuff you need for the little dude or dudette. My husband and I decided one thing right off the bat: we, including our little diego, are not above vintage (previously used) items.  We happily welcomed a car-load of hand-me-downs from my cousin. Used items we have already welcomed into our home include: Rocking chair, playmat, swing, bathtub, a Baby Bjorn, and 2 tubs full of boys clothes! We are so blessed to have such awesome friends and family that think of us!  The only things we have purchased so far: 2 onesies and furniture (crib and an armoire.)  I spent about $7 on the onesie from Marshall’s and $8 from the one from Carter’s {As soon as I found out the sex of the baby I felt an uncontrollable urge to purchase something for the baby!} We purchased the crib and armoire for $200 total off of Craigslist. These are Baby Italia cherry oak pieces of furniture that retail for about $500-700 per piece.  I think we scored!  We are also contemplating whether or not we will be buying the last piece that matches the set off of craiglist.  People are asking $150 for the dresser/changing table, but I can’t get myself to do it yet.  I feel like that if they aren’t willing to take $100 or less, then baby is going to be changed on the floor.  He’s a boy, he’s not going to care!

Pregnancy clothing is something I have also been lucky with.  I’ve had several friends who have given me pregnancy shirts, pants, nursing bras (brand new), shorts, dresses and skirts!  One of my coworkers even gave me her old scrubs, I haven’t needed to buy a single new scrub top!  The bottoms barely fit me at this point….hoping they will be able to hold on a little longer for one more month until I go on my leave. There have been a few things I have bought that I would definitely encourage any pregnant woman to buy guilt-free:


*Wearing one of my comfy maternity jeans!

Pregnancy workout pants-I bought mine from Target and they are so comfortable.  I was warned by a friend that if I kept wearing my pre-pregnancy workout bottoms that they might stretch out to the point where they would no longer by useable.  I would highly recommend Target’s pants!

A bigger bra-I couldn’t take it anymore, after about 4 months I felt that I was no longer getting circulation in my back and chest because the bras were getting to tight.  Gap Body has many bras that are comfortable and can be bought on sale for your growing size.  If you feel that it’s only your back that’s getting bigger and not your breasts, you can buy an attachment for the back of your straps at any fabric store (makes your bra wider to accommodate for a widening back). This didn’t apply to me, everything got bigger. I only purchased one nursing bra (figured I could wear it now and use it later when he comes).  I wear it everyday and I’m not ashamed.

Workout/everyday sweater– I love walking and jogging along the beach and sometimes it can get a little chilly.  I bought my workout sweater from Destination Maternity, it’s comfortable, warm, versatile and most importantly: stretchy!  The only complaint I have is that it doesn’t have any pockets ;(  This is the only sweater I have that I can still zip-up!

Pair of pregnancy Jeans-I purchased jeans because I wanted a go-to pair that I could wear for the entire pregnancy.  The rubber-band-around-the-button method worked for a few weeks because as one of my coworkers said “Your a#% is getting bigger!” I was not offended, because it’s true. I got 2 pairs from Destination Maternity on sale and they have been wonderful! One straight-legged and one bootcut. You can get away with only purchasing one pair and being perfectly comfortable.

That’s it for now!  Hope you have a great day!!

2 Comments leave one →
  1. January 9, 2014 2:25 pm

    I borrowed scrubs from friends too for both my pregnancies! I think I may have bought ONE new top total! Great tips 🙂

  2. SusieQ permalink
    January 9, 2014 6:41 pm

    You look so cute!! Glad you are feeling well! Love that you/hubby have had some extra alone time – cause once little diego is here – well, that time diminishes. Not that it’s a bad thing – just make time for date night once the little munchkin is here! I’m sure you have a dozen or so babysitter already volunteering! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you and hubs are not beneath using second-hand items. Seriously – you think your baby is going to remember any of this?? It’s just the smart thing to do – and to keep your family’s financial house on the right track. Too many couples go out and drop thousands on new baby furniture, etc. That is just downright crazy/stupid!! I am a regular thrifter and I have to tell you that I regularly come across baby/toddler clothing in the thrift stores that still have the tags on them – so be sure to start scoping out those places! Here’s wishing you continued good health for the remainder of your pregnancy – can’t wait to see the new addition to your family!

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